Friday, January 21, 2011

"Oh, make me feel secure!" (A Pre-valentine blog)

In reality, there are some special things or persons in our lives that make an important place in our hearts and make us feel secure. We may even spend most of our time and energy to yield onto these things that we thought to perceive as “important.” The heart can deceive us that we need to take hold of these things because they make us feel good when surrounded with it. We thought that when everything is under our control we feel secure. These are the so-called “security objects” that we always feel the need to embrace. 
Written below are just some examples that we make believe to be our security objects:

  • Our money in hand, finances, bank account
  • Our status quo and standing in work or school
  • New gadgets such as cellphones, iPad, iPhone, etc.
  • Love given by the opposite sex
  • Relationships that we have
  • Approval by parents and family
  • Acceptance by friends
  • Parties, gimmicks, vices, pleasurable things
  • Compulsive eating or food that makes us feel good when under stressed, depressed or nervous
  • Our talents and skills, like singing, dancing, creativity, playing of musical instruments, work skills – skills that make us known for it
  • Boyfriend/girlfriend to cherish with
  • Marriage, being a husband or wife
  • Number of Facebook friends
  • Our appearance, body figure, and looks
  • Our clothing/fashion
…And other things that we ought to say, “we can’t live without!” or “I want this to be mine for keeps!” and actually anything that our minds play tricks that we need a certain material or person in our lives.

Nothing is wrong when the abovementioned “security objects” or “people” are revolving in our daily lives, but they should NEVER EVER fill the void of our security. Striving to be an excellent worker or student isn’t bad at all until our aim is to please and get the approval of others (thinking that we need to keep the status quo to make us feel secure). We upgrade our technology every now and then until we get hold of them because we get the kind of attention that we want from people. Thus, making us feel good and secure. But we always have to remember that neither security can be bought nor earned. Things or people around us should not be labeled as our “security objects,” but they should be foreseen as more of “blessings” entrusted to us. They are given to us for a purpose and for careful handling. They can even turn out to be the best instruments for God’s greater glory and a reminder for us that God is the provider of all our needs. (The devil will do anything to twist the truth and he wants us to be handicapped with the lesser things of this world rather than settling for the best that God has in stored for us. The devil does it best for being the father of deception and of all lies.) We need to see that blessings given (aka "security objects") to us will only exist in a temporary state and they wouldn’t be there to last longer than our lifespan. Permanent security does NOT have to pay with our efforts but it only comes from having real relationship with God and getting deeper with Him—making Him our “total intimate security object.” This kind of security is real, satisfying and keeps us abreast no matter how fleeting life is and how uncertain, changing the world we face in. Whether we have these people/objects around us or not, our fullness should only be found in Him. Our role is just to give everything and surrender our empty cups to God and let Him do His job in filling our cups with His overflowing love that never fails. Our being can never find real security and satisfaction until we finally rest in Him.

We’re in the danger side when we embrace the surface rather than the core (some kind of idolatry). There are times we barely notice the strong grab (stronghold) that we have towards a person or thing, because we only feel good about it until it hurts in the end. In order to abstain from grabbing the wrong source of “security object,” it is wise to have a regular heart check that asks, “What makes me really secure? Is there anything that surpasses other than my security and relationship with God?”

“You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing...You alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:2,5,8)

Trust in the Lord and do good; so you will live in the land, and enjoy security. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him. (Psalm 37:3-5, 7)